Luxury handbags are sleek, beautiful, and exclusive. They are made of premium materials, and quality craftsmanship. Lincoln Pawn has a large inventory of pre-owned name brand handbags. The prices are affordable, and you can be assured the bag you decide to purchase is authentic. If you need quick cash, consider using your luxury handbag as collateral for a pawn loan.

Not sure what your designer handbag is worth?

At Lincoln Pawn, we have experts who can appraise your luxury handbags. If you have one that you would like to pawn or sell, bring it in, and we will evaluate it and check the current market value, making you a competitive offer.

Pawning using your luxury handbag is quick and easy. The value of your designer handbag is used to secure the short-term loan, and once the loan and all interest and fees are paid back, your bag is returned.

Designer Brands We Accept

Louis Vuitton




Saint Laurent





Small Black Louis Vuitton Backpack On Woman's Back