Musical instruments is one of the many categories of items that we loan on and purchase from our customers. Our knowledge of musical instruments lets us give you the most money for your item, as well as the care needed to store your expensive instrument here at our store. So bring your items in to get quick cash!
Lincoln Pawn Shop is a great place to go when you are looking for a musical instrument for yourself or someone close to you.
We deal in guitars, amps, saxophones, flutes, trumpets, DJ equipment and much more! With big brand names like: Gibson, Fender, Marshall, Selmer, Yamaha, Technics, Ibanez, Mesa Boogie, and much more!!!
When you are looking to get some quick cash, come by Lincoln Pawn Shop for a quick convenient loan on your instrument. Or if you are looking to purchase a quality instrument, stop by Lincoln Pawn Shop for the best deal in town.
All of us here at Lincoln Pawn Shop take the time to inspect and test each and every instrument that is brought to us so you know you are buying quality instruments in good working order.
We deal in with big brand names like: